J. writes:
How about setting up a Desktop link – a direct link to one of the online
email services? One of my friends had set up a link to Yahoo on his
Desktop, which I was intrigued by ~ so how did he do it?
Well, it’s easy-peasy….
If you’ve got one of the following email accounts (or wish to set one
up for yourself), click on one of the following links to the sign up /
sign in page.
For Googlemail or Gmail, click HERE
For Yahoo email, click HERE.
For Windows Live Hotmail, click HERE.
For Fastmail, click HERE.
Now click on the URL (the website address) box at the top of the sign
in page, to highlight it (in blue)
Copy it (press down the Control key and the letter C together), which
copies the address onto your computer’s clipboard.
Now do a right-sided mouse click on your Desktop. Slide your mouse pointer
down the list as far as "New".
Click on the Shortcut icon, just below the yellow folder icon.
Paste the URL address into the rectangular white box (Ctrl + letter V)
Click on “Next”
In the next box you see, type in your email site name e.g yahoo.,
type straight over the blue-highlighted writing ("New Internet Shortcut")
Now click on “Finish”, which will give you the following shortcut on
your Desktop ....
You can move the icon around the screen a bit, as you can with other
shortcuts … click + drag … to a new position.
If you're using websites like Flickr and Blogger a lot, you could set
up Desktop shortcuts to these websites too.