Saturday, April 24, 2010

Using Gimp to touch up your photos.

I used mainly the Clone and Crop tools to do this, and showed members
other aspects of how to use Gimp ... importing photos, saving your
work, how to use Levels and Colour Balance, etc.

You will find all this information on a website I set up recently ...
See pages labelled as Gimp 1, 2 and 3.


Problems with Windows 7 using Quicken & Adobe Reader 9

One of our members is having problems getting an old copy of Quicken to
work on his new computer. He is also having difficulty using Adobe Reader 9.

Here is a copy of my reply to him, demonstrating the power of a Google
search to sort out problems like this ...

"Thanks for your email about Quicken. I’m not into using software like this,
but I’ve done a quick search on Google, entering the words: “problem using
Quicken with Windows 7” …

One of the articles I found is this one, which has 23 comments which are
worth reading.

The writer of the article suggested trying out a program called “Personal
Finanz”, and has written a review of it ….

It might be worth reading other review of this software before buying it,
to see what other people think about it.

..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

As regards the PDF problem, I did a similar search using the words:
“problem using Adobe Reader 9 with Windows 7”.

The following article is one of the ones I found, with some useful
comments …

One reader suggested using a different PDF reader …Foxit Reader, which
enabled him / her to edit PDF files as well.

I’ve had a look at one of the downloading sites for Foxit Reader,
CNET Downloads, which is a trusted website for downloading stuff.
The review on CNET is good too. However, the review on CNET is not
so good ... you might wish to search on Google for an alternative.
(edited December 2010)

Please let me know how you get on."