A couple of things which might interest you:
First of all ~ the longevity of CD-Rs for backing up
information on your PC / laptop.
Jack Schofield (The Guardian: 16/10/08) was full of praise
for them. He advised caution about backing up info onto
external hard drives, as they might crash.
If you'd like to read the article, click on this link
… http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/askjack
The second item was in Tom Raftery’s blogsite ~ his Windows
Live Mail crashed recently, and he lost all the emails
on his site.
WLM is Microsoft’s successor to Hotmail, by the way.
Tom is hopping mad, as you can read in his posting for
28/7/08 … http://www.tomrafteryit.net/
I think it's a good idea to back up the content of any
important emails (or to forward them to other email sites
you have), and also to switch to Googlemail, which I think
is the best thing since sliced bread ~ see my earlier postings
on Gmail (which you will see on the SITE INDEX).