Fancy having another email address?
Perhaps you are getting too much spam on your present email address,
and wish to make a clean break from all the rubbish (and ancient
emails you haven't got round to deleting)?
I can recommend Googlemail to you, just for corresponding with
family and friends.
Click on the above link, if you wish to try it out.
Advantages over other email providers?
Less spam, especially if you keep your old email address just
for business use (and don't give your new Gmail address to
anyone other than friends & family
Less intrusive adverts (I dislike the ads on Hotmail & Yahoo)
You can access Gmail anywhere
If your current computer crashes completely or is stolen, you
will lose all your email addresses on Outlook Express ...
... very annoying. Your address list on Gmail stays intact.
It's got the amazing Google search facility, where you put a
name like Ken into the search box and obtain a list of all
your emails from Ken, which you can then access.
Click on the next link for more info ...