Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Changes to the Nottingham U3A Computer Club blogsite

Blogger changed the layout of this site, deleting the header photo in the process, so JH has put
another banner image in its place. Hope you will all like it. I think it looks fresher than the last
one. The banner is 950 x 240 px in size, the resolution of the banner is 300 px/ins, and the font
is Segoe Print.

I have also tidied up the Archives section in the side bar, thanks to the new layout tools
available to Blogger users.

I would be happy to show anyone, how easy it is to create a new post and to tweak the
Blogger layout ... that is anyone in the Computer Club who'd like to take over the running of
this site from me.

I think it would be easy to include the forthcoming Computer Club programme on this Blogger
site ... a list could be copied and pasted into a post like this from a Word document (I don't
know if a table of meetings could be pasted in, but this could be tried out). Any later
amendments to the list could be easily made by editing the post.

Happy New Year to everyone.