Thursday, May 05, 2011

Using GIMP to change your photos

Today I ran through some of the basics of using Gimp for photo-editing,
and then did some more advanced stuff using the Free Select tool and
Layers. Everything I covered is explained in some detail in Gimp pages
1-3 on my website ~ JWebDesigns.

At the end of June, I will do another session on Gimp, to answer any
queries you might have as regards using it. Please email me with any
problem photos you have, so I can have a look at them in advance and
see if I can puzzle out how to improve them. I will bring along one
or two problem photos I've recently dealt with.

Two of the hardest things to improve are lack of sharpness in the image
and over-exposure. If you can set your camera to take RAW images, then
there is more you can do with photos with a Gimp add-on called UFRaw ...
I've written a page on this on my website with illustrations of how
useful UFRaw is.