Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sorting out the photos on your computer

I've just read an interesting article written by Jack Schofield of
The Guardian on this subject (plus some interesting replies from
a few readers of his blog)...

Please note Schofield's Second Law of Computing as regards backing
up your photos and other info on your computer. If you don't back
your stuff up, you will lose it one day (when your laptop crashes
crashes or if it gets nicked).

I haven't yet tried the Windows Live Storage, which is an online
storage system (25GB), but this sounds good.

A member of Nottingham's Flickr Group recently reported that
his external hard drive had failed, and that he'd lost his entire
collection of photos ... hard drives can fail. A CD-Rom of mine
has just failed, with a load of family history information on it ...
it was about 10 years old, so I'm now having to get the info all
back together again.

You need more than one way of backing your stuff up, and you
have to back-up your back-ups too from time to time. Get prints
made of your favourite photos, for back-up purposes too.