Using Open Office to create spreadsheets.
JH writes:
Many of you will be familiar with using Microsoft Excel for creating
spreadsheets, and will be happy to carry on using it. However, when you’re
next having to pay Microsoft for an upgrade to the latest version, you might
wish to try out the Open Office version instead … it’s entirely free to use,
and I think it’s brilliant.
You can download OO from the following websites … … this is for Microsoft Windows users … this is for AppleMac users
I’ve found the best time to download OO is first thing in the morning, which
saves a lot of time.
If you can use Microsoft Excel, then you’ll be able to use the OO version.
I won’t go into the detail of how to create a spreadsheet … you can ask
someone in our Computer Club how to do so, if you’re a beginner or if you get
stuck using it.
Note that you have to save an OO spreadsheet as a dot ods file. (File > Save As)
If you wish to print this off, you have to convert this saved ods file to an
Adobe PDF file (File > Export as PDF), and then print off the PDF file.
Another good thing about OO, is that you can open Microsoft Office documents
and spreadsheets into OO (but not the other way round unfortunately).
I’ve written an article on how to create OO text documents & PDF files here
(13 March 2010) …
… and how to create OO slide presentations here
(15 August 2010)
I hope this info is of some help.