Thursday, November 05, 2009

Creating a Xmas e-card using Gimp.

In today's talk I gave an outline of how to create an e-card.
Basically, you add your Xmas message onto one of your photos, and
then email it to someone / everyone on your email list.

From now on, I'll be using Gimp to demonstrate a variety of photo-
editing techniques, some of which I've put up on my website ... (see pages Gimp 1 & 2 on the site).

Using Gimp ...
1. reduce the size of the photo to about 800 pixels in width (if your
pic is in landscape format) ... to make it easier to send and
receive your email. Use the Scale tool.
You might have to use the Crop tool, to remove the chequered
transparent area that appears alongside your resized image.

2. enlarge your image a little with the Zoom tool.
3. sharpen your photo if necessary with "Unsharp Mask"
4. lighten/darken your pic with Levels, if you wish.
5. add a thin border to your pic, if you like
6. add some text with the Text tool.
7. add some drop shadow to your text, if you wish.
8. save your work, remembering to give it a different name (to preserve
your original pic.

There is information on how to do all of these on my jwebdesigns website.

I also gave a few tips of how to set up a still-life composition to
photograph, using soft light from a North-facing window, a white/coloured
board behind/below your objects (to reduce background clutter), a
reflector to improve lighting / reduce shadows, a tripod + self-timer/
shutter release cable to improve sharpness, and then possibly using an
automatic aperture camera setting of 5.6 to increase the depth of field,
if you so wish. Alternatively, you might wish to scrap the entire project,
and start with one of your outdoor photos, say of a family group or of a
snow scene. :)

Some of you might like to use one or more of Jacquie Lawson's animated
e-cards. She charges £7.50 for a year's use of her cards, which you can
use as often as you like.

Her website address is ...
... click on "Our Cards" to see the full range of cards.