Saturday, July 18, 2009


If you’d like a second email address with Googlemail, Hotmail
or Yahoo Mail, here are the links to the main pages for signing up: > Hotmail (icon at top right of page)

You are more likely to get a personalised email address with something
new that Yahoo has set up … Ymail :
select ymail from New Yahoo IDs > Get it Now

Sending a bulk email to a group of people (more than 20), is possible with Outlook Express, Outlook & with Googlemail.

The basic idea is to have your own email address in the top address box
(the To box), and to put everyone else’s email addresses in the Bcc box.
Addresses placed here will be hidden from view.

In Gmail, go to Contacts > All Contacts > Select All
(deselect any you wish) > email.

All email addresses are now in the To box.

Transfer them to the Bcc box by a copy & paste method
(Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C and then Ctrl + V).

Delete the addresses in the top box (Ctrl + A, delete/backspace key).

Put your own email address in the To box, and then proceed with the
rest of your email.